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On to Siem Reap

We are indeed picked up by our final tour guide Sam and his driver.

But first one final sunrise from the ship.

Where we docked for the night there was a bamboo bridge that costs $50K to build and is washed out every year and rebuilt. It is built using the funds from the 50 cent toll they charge to cross it. It started to float away- recently – so they added the sandbags to weigh it down.

here is our tour bus.

And we start our trek, first stop for a bio break, I get out to capture the local market.

These women were selling worms from trays on their head.

More worms for sale.

We stop to see the 11th century Corbel arch bridge outside of Siem Reap, it is named Spean Praptos.

And now we have arrived we are now at the Belmont in Siem Reap. Beautiful!

A nice massage, then happy hour with a couple we met on the boat from Ukiah and finally Ian, Yvonne and I head to the downtown market. We had been in the market in Phomn Penh and it made a flea market look upscale, but this market had much more to offer. So far, this city is ranking high on our list but we will see what tomorrow (and the daylight) brings.

We saw a guy pull up on a scooter and tell his dog to stay while he went in a store. The minute he went in, the dog jumped down and went to the front door of the store. I went in the store and told him that the dog was off the scooter and by the front door, he thanked me and said the dog training was a work in progress. He went back out and made the dog sit on the scooter and firmly told him to stay. He walked back in the store just to pay for his items….and the dog glared at me, but he stayed.

This spans the river, which is basically non-existent.

A few years ago, we got “fish” pedicures in Santorini – the fish were about half an inch long. I would not put my feet in this pedicure tank for anything. They look like piranha. Oh and I just noticed the sign – they aren’t just hungry fish- they are hurngry

We are back to civilization now with real internet – yippee! Since we are at our final destination, I noted on a map where we have been.

The red pins are all of the Mekong cruise stops. We back tracked a little on the cruise because of the lack of water and dried up water ways.

Tomorrow is Angkor Wat. See you then.

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